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Below you will find Adirondack Ski Chairs of Lake Placid's store policies. Visit our FAQ page for answers to other frequently asked questions.



We are proud to offer free shipping within the Continental United States on all of our items. If you would like an item to be shipped outside of the Continental United States, we will be happy to arrange that. Please email or call us to discuss options and next steps.


We make every effort to ship items within 48 hours of receiving an order. Shipping is via UPS Ground. If you require alternative shipping services, please contact us for assistance. We will try to accommodate your needs.


Some items are shipped partially disassembled. Simple assembly instructions are provided.



If you would like to pick up your order, rather than have your items shipped, please contact us by email or call us to arrange a mutually agreeable date and time. We will provide directions and any other necessary information.



Any item on our website, found to be defective or other than described, can be returned within five business days of delivery. All returns are at the discretion of Adirondack Ski Chairs of Lake Placid, and can be refused. The buyer is responsible for paying return shipping. Custom orders can not be returned. If any of our products is found to be defective and breaks during shipping or under normal usage within one year of purchase, we will be replace the broken parts at no cost to you.



We take your privacy on online shopping safety very seriously. We use HTTPS / TLS encryption. TLS (Transport Layer Security) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted transfer of information during payment. TLS is the industry standard and is used by millions of websites in the protection of their online transactions with their customers. We also use the payment gateways that offer the highest level of security certification (PCI DSS Level 1). 



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